Monday, September 2, 2013

Yummy Yummy Jar of Dirt!

Once again, that Scoundrel Kimika Ying-Dagger has found foodie treasure for us!

It's the most delicious Jar of Dirt Ever! A lovely little foodie blog called Cakecrumbs, written by Rhiannon, an Aussie cook, shows us all how to make Davy Jones' Cheescakes.  How does cheesecake figure with a Jar of Dirt?  Just go see. She 'splains it all and her pictures are ever so charming.

Sorry Jack. You've been one-upped.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

CONTEST! - Iron Bay Chef 2

Listen up, ya scurvy lot. With both ears! Oh, um, if yer missin' an ear, come sit closer.

My Kitchen Sister, my Baking Bestie, my Cooking Comrade, my Kneading Kindred, my ... oh, you get the idea. My fellow foodie, Junie Ginsberg, has just made an important announcement on the Babbage Aetheric Reader (or as the Scoundrel Fleet calls it, "Where The Rum Went")

Last year during the air kraken migration the first Iron Bay Chef contest was held; it was intended to be an annual contest, so here we are again! Whether you are an evil genius or a street urchin (the two are not necessarily mutually-exclusive), whether have a kitchen or a secret lab, whether you cook in factory ovens or over campfires, I want YOU to roll up your sleeves, put those fancy-schmancy goggles to good use and whip up some good, old-fashioned, pungent mayhem. Let's find out who is hungry for power and who is just HUNGRY!

Want to know the rules of the contest, what the prizes are, and what the secret ingredient is? Set sail for the full announcement here!